Tuesday, December 5, 2017

We have pets too

It's easy to forget that veterinary professionals have pets at home and when those pets get ill, or develop problems, often times our minds go into overdrive. We are amon
gst that group of people that have enough knowledge to be dangerous and therefore as soon as one of our animals limps, coughs, or vomits, our minds automatically jump to the worst possible conclusion out there. You will find that when it comes to our own pets, we lose all sense of medical knowledge in that immediate moment. I can't help but think of the time my sweet Madeline (a now 5 year old boxer) was only about 12 weeks old and choking on a piece of bedding - from a bed that she had nicely destroyed while at the hospital with me for my overnight ER shift. I completely lost my cool, forgot all sense of emergency veterinary experience I had, and instead handed her off to my colleague to deal with  her because at that moment I was not a doctor - I was a pet parent. Luckily she was fine and continues to shred bedding when at the hospital with me.

I tell you this story to say, we know what you are going through when your pets are sick. Please don't think for a second that just because we see these things day in and day out, that we aren't affected by it or that we can't relate or empathize to your concerns.  We know how scary it can be when your pet is hurt or how worrisome it can be when they just haven't been themselves for a few days. We know how it feels to hear that your pet has cancer, is diagnosed with seizures or needs more extensive testing. My 8 year old Boxer had a seizure today while with me at work - I know how scary those are and just sitting there with him while he recovered, I am thankful for the knowledge I have as a doctor and that I can empathize with my clients. I can relate because I have been there - and I think that helps make us better doctors.

So ask us about our pets - ask us our opinion on what you should do in situations - the odds are, we have been there too.

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