Thursday, December 21, 2017

Chestnut Arbor Veterinary Hospital's Top 10 List

We keep promoting that our office is Fear Free - but many people don't know what that I have compiled the list of the 10 things we do as a Fear Free clinic to make you and your pets more comfortable. So here is the top 10 list of what you can expect when you visit us at Chestnut Arbor Veterinary Hospital:

10 - Emotional Notecard- We note that your pet's emotional response is when they visit us - and we notate what works and what doesn't work for your pet. This means on your pet's medical chart it will state - 'likes peanut butter' or 'does well when mom holds in her lap'. We take notice so we can make future visits better.

9- Just say Yes - to pre-visit drugs that is - Drugs are not a bad word in our hospital - often pets need a little something to reduce anxiety before a visit - we can help with that. Whether it be a natural hormone (like milk hormone) or a stronger pharmaceutical like Trazodone - we can prescribe the right medication to alleviate any anxiety your pet may have

8 - No trips to the "BACK" - We keep you and your fur-baby together as much as we can during your visit. This means procedures will be done with you in the exam room unless you request otherwise or an extenuating circumstance requires us to separate you from your pet. If we need to use any particular equipment located in our treatment area, often we will suggest you accompany us and your fur-baby.

7 - Distraction is key - In order to facilitate procedures being done in a fear free way, often our team members will use toys to distract your pet. That means you can bring Fluffy's favorite stuffed animal to her visit!

6 - No white coats here - The white-coat phenomenon is a real thing in both human and veterinary medicine - therefore our staff does not wear white coats (sidenote, I have never really liked wearing one so this was an easy transition for me!). Most often our team is in scrubs or casual attire to help your pet feel more at home.

5 - Food is the way to their heart - Bring your pets hungry! Not only does fasting ensure better lab results but our goal is to offer your pets 60-100 treats during their visit. That's right - we totally and intentionally want to spoil them and bribe them to love us! And what better way then thru yummy treats. In fact you will be presented with a species specific menu to choose from and let our staff know what kinds of yummy foods your pet likes. Dietary restrictions ??? - no problem, we have hypoallergenic alternatives OR even better, you can bring their food/treats from home!

4 -  We look YOU in the eye - eye contact is stressful for pets so you will notice when our staff enters an exam room, we will make eye contact with you but not your fur-baby. Often we will even seem like we are ignoring your baby at first - in reality we are giving them a chance to check us out before we engage them. This gives them a sense of relief and calm, and allows us to get to know you as well!

3 - What's that smell? - Our rooms are equipped with pheromone diffusers - you won't be able to smell them but your pets do! Pheromones are pet-friendly substances that are detected by the central nervous system and help calm your pet. We even spray ourselves with them before entering a room

2- No slippery signs here - Exam room tables, slippery floors, metal scales - these all induce fear and stress in our pets. You will notice that we use yoga mats, blankets and do our procedures/exams on the floor where pets are most comfortable. For those that prefer to be up high we will create a comfortable environment for them on an elevated surface.

And the #1 thing - No waiting here! - Once you enter our office you will be greeted, by name, and placed directly into an exam room so your pet, and you, can relax. The rooms are designed with you and your pet in mind - comfy chairs, relaxing dog beds, cat perches and trees, and calming music greet you in our exam rooms and hopefully make you feel at home.

So there you have it - there is our top 10 list of what we do as a Fear Free Hospital to make you and your fur-baby feel at home. Check out our facebook page ( for more information.

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