Thursday, September 22, 2016

An Open Letter to My City

My eyes filled with tears this morning at the events that are going on in my city the past few days. I am filled with an overwhelming sense of worry, of concern and of sadness for the people of Charlotte. I remember a few short months ago when our city was filled with a sense of pride and camaraderie over our beloved Panthers and their success. We joined in arms as we celebrated this great city we live in. People came together to be joyous. Charlotte...where is that feeling now?

I love this city.....yes I am a transplant and people may criticize me for that saying I am not a true Charlottean but I have been here since 2007. I consider this city my home. It is where I have chosen to set down roots, to get married, to raise a family, to conduct my business. It's where I want to see my daughter go to school, make friends, take part in city celebrations, and learn to love others. But the last 48 hours this city is not the same place I know and love.

No one but the people involved know the true story of what happened a few nights ago when that unfortunate incident set off a whirlwind of emotions. I do not claim to know whether it was right or wrong. I do know that what has happened since that day is just wrong. We cannot attempt to combat hurt and hatred with more violence, more hatred, more destruction. Attacking innocent businesses or innocent people does not justify the hurt that people are feeling. Have any of these protesters stopped to think that the businesses they are looting or destroying may be owned by people who share their same mind frame? That these businesses were not the ones to offset this sequence of events? How does punishing innocent people make any of this better?

My husband and I choose to raise our daughter with a sense of acceptance and love. It is how I was raised and I am proud of it. My daughter has respect for authority and knows that if she does something wrong there are consequences...a concept that seems to be lost these days. This overwhelming sense of entitlement and that we are all 'owed something' has to stop.  The American dream has always been that if you work hard you reap benefits....when did that morph into "I am owed benefits without hard work?" When did we all stop respecting others?

As I look at the images of Charlotte this morning and the destruction that has occurred I wonder when we will feel safe in our city again? I wonder how the police officers must feel as they go home to rest knowing that tonight may bring more hatred, more protests, more destruction, I say a prayer and ask for help. Help to know how to explain these events to my daughter, and how to make sense of them myself. I pray that as my husband ventures into uptown Charlotte today that he will be safe. I pray that as the police report to work today and tonight that they are safe. I pray that the people who feel injustice today find the peace they are looking for. I pray for the families of those that have been lost in the last several days. I pray...... are the city I live in and love. I know that deep down we are the city that came together 9 months ago to celebrate success. I pray that my few words reach someone who can make a difference today. I hope that my prayers and the prayers of so many others are heard today and our city finds peace. I pray that people remember how to love. I leave you with that word...LOVE

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