Saturday, July 23, 2016

How hard could it be....isn't it just puppies and kittens?

Ask any veterinarian and they will tell you that they have heard this question at least once in their career. The truth is more often than not, our days are not full of happy puppies and kittens. Most of our daily appointments are filled with aging patients, sick patients, even dying patients. At this point in my career, the happy puppy and kitten visits are few and far between, providing a much needed respite from long talks with owners about quality of life or pricey diagnostics needed to determine what is ailing their furry family member. I recently had the pleasure of seeing a dear friend of mine's new puppy. A 5 month old Labradoodle.....cute as a button  as you can imagine. It was not very long ago that I helped this same friend say goodbye to two very beloved pets who had been with her for longer than I can remember. It was my honor to help her end their suffering just as it was my honor to help her bring in a new family member. This loving bundle of chocolate colored fluff would bring joy to a family that so desperately needed it and I was glad to take an hour of my day to spend with her as we discussed Miller's preventative care plan, his diet, his exercise and his overall health. As Miller lay at his new parent's feet I knew that this dog would be loved more than any other dog could imagine and I also knew he would be filling a hole in the hearts of two people who had  so much love to give. It's these days, the few and far between, that remind me why I became a veterinarian. So yes...sometimes it is just puppies and kittens...if you are lucky.

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